Sunday, April 10, 2016

Art Show

After all of our class was finished with our four art projects we had an art show to showcase each item that we created. We made labels for each project that had the titles of each on them; I put the type of project that each was on mine as well (i.e. salt dough, fabric, culinary, etc.). We all got to go around the room and leave positive comments about each other’s’ projects and read about what they made.

Afterwards we also got to choose our favorite piece that we made to share in more depth with the class. I chose to share my multimedia project. I chose that one because I was pleasantly surprised with how my drawing turned out. I had never had a drawing turn out as well as that one had in my opinion. This pieces also had the most meaning to me, because I made it in honor of my great grandma when she was sick and she ended up passing away before we did this art show. It felt very important to me. It is actually still in my room right now. 

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