Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Salt Dough Projects

Doing salt dough projects is one of my favorite art projects to do. I truly love to make the dough; it can also be very fun for students to make. Who doesn’t love getting a little messy? The great thing about salt dough projects is that you can pretty much do anything with it. Salt dough can be used as purely self-expression or it can even be used in the classroom as a teaching tool.

For the self-expression there really isn’t any limits to what can be done with salt dough. I recently even did an art project with salt dough. I made a lion. The lion was both a representation of my favorite movie “The Lion King” and a representation of the word that I want to work on for myself this year (explained in my first post): courage. In my mind lions represent power and courage, so with that in mind a decided to make a lion. It was a great way to represent myself at that moment in time. This can be something fun a creative for students to do.

Picture Credit: Pinterest
Another subject that salt dough can be a helpful teaching tool in is social studies. I have seen salt dough be used to create a small map of different states. The students would make the salt dough into
the shape of the state and then put different features that the state contains. They could even make bigger versions if they wanted to in order to add more details to their maps. Another thing that I thought might be a fun thing for students to do is to create the different phases of the moon out of the salt dough! Bring science into the mix!

Salt dough is a very versatile and useful tool in a creative classroom :) 

Hands on learning

For salt dough recipe click here